Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bill- Day 2 Craniomaxillofacial Surgery

Clinic duty in Sleep Center. Even though Dr. Yu specializes in craniomaxillofacial surgery, he also does clinic work in the Sleep Center. The Sleep Center is where patients go if they have sleeping issues, such as: snoring, insomnia, or not sleeping well. Dr. Yu saw patients in the morning; most of the patients complained of not being able to sleep well and some said they couldn’t sleep at all. Dr. Yu tried to get people to exercise more to help them sleep, but all the patients just wanted to get sleep aids.
In the afternoon, Dr. Yu had clinic duty in the Craniomaxillofacial Dept. Most of the patients were in for follow ups from surgery. Many of his patients are born with cleft lips and/or cleft palates. They come to him at different ages to continue the next stage in the surgery or would like more surgery to correct old scars. Dr. Yu says that one of the biggest problems for people with cleft palate problems is speech. They tend to have a nasal tone and are unable to pronounce certain words; this is due to weak muscles. Sometimes he can help improve this with surgery, but most of the time he refers them to speech coaches.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Cannot wait to read about the Ob/Gyn rotation!!
